Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Winter of My Discontent

When we gathered last April to remand my dear one's ashes to a lovely spot in Truro, My sister in law and mother in law had beautiful readings . True to form I didn't have anything prepared, But I spoke my heart and I wrote down what I said, because I did not want to forget it, ever. So I came across my notes and I am going to put them here, inn this semi perament yet public place.

To Mark:

The first time I saw you, I knew that you were the person I wanted to spend my life with.
God did not grant that to us.
You were a faithful and loving husband and no one will ever love me as much as you.
We love you and miss you.
I hopre that you miss us and hope that you are at peace.
I will love you forever little poppi.

The grief goes on, I am often sad, but I am getting much better.
This is my life now. But I would much rather be with my husband.
I am so blessed with the love of family and friends.
Thank you all.


Jeanette said...

Lovely and clearly heartfelt. I'm sending a hug your way (for what ever that is worth...)

DeanB said...

It must be just about a year. Hang on in there. It does sound as though you're slowly getting better.

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful. You're so blessed to have loved so fully.